The Bible. We follow the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.
Prayer. We pray. Every decision is made after prayerful consideration.
Family. The “family” is God’s design and we pursue the restoration of the family.
The heart. The heart of the child is key to his past and his future, and the care of children is sacred.
Equipping. We endeavor to discover the unique gifts God equips everyone with and encourage their use for God’s glory. Equipping those God has brought to us is key to developing students who will to lead others to the truth of the Gospel.
Service. We teach and practice service to others.
Stewardship. We practice stewardship on all levels. Every dollar stretched. Debt- free model for any development.
Community. We are a community that works together under a common calling on our lives, respecting one another, helping one another along this journey, pursuing the mission and the vision while keeping our eyes on Christ.