Winter Newsletter

Winter 2022

Dear Friend,

You may already be familiar with Home LAEL and perhaps you are aware of the current activities and the projects we have been working on in recent months. For those who may not have heard of Home LAEL, allow me to briefly introduce who we are.

My name is Aju Varghese and my wife is Maribel. We lived and worked in New York for most of our married life with our five children. The Lord has been very gracious and has blessed every aspect of our lives since I immigrated to the United States over twenty years ago and we became citizens.

We have homeschooled our children and have been so blessed by finding good friends who are like-minded as well as finding a Bible-believing church that worships the One True God. Without hesitation, I can say the Lord has been good. We are thankful for all of His blessings and we wait on Him with anticipation for what He has in store for our lives. We will continue praying for His will and discernment.

About ten years ago, we encountered some children through our church who were in need of a good home that provided not only a safe environment, but a family who would love them as well. At that time, our family was not in any position to bring them home or change their circumstances. My heart was burdened for these children and it was then that I began to pray for these children and ask the Lord for His wisdom and guidance.

Unbeknownst to me, God was already at work and was bringing people into our lives that knew someone or something about caring for children who lived in these unstable and perilous conditions. I began to process every lead that came as I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me. I made a visit to an existing home which provided a safe home and education for children in crisis in West Virginia called Chestnut Mountain Ranch. I wanted to see first-hand what I had been told of.

It was there that I began to envision the possibility of having such a place in our area; a place of refuge, a safe environment, a place to teach life skills with the love of caring parents and above all, the unconditional love that only comes from our Heavenly Father. As I gained more knowledge regarding the abuse of children, I realized just how far and wide the repercussions of this devastating conduct has become. It’s a bondage where its victims are shamed and blamed and even threatened if they tell. It’s a “don’t know, don’t tell” mind-set as well. God, our Father alone, is the only one who can break this vicious circle and bring healing. I feel compelled to be diligent and in prayer for these children who have no voices and petition to my Lord for their protection.


In regards to prayer: what does this look like?

 The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

Pray always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

It reminds me also of what Proverbs 24:11-12 says we should be doing for those who cannot help themselves…

Deliver those who are drawn toward death and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

Over time, and through divine providence, I had the opportunity to work for Child Support Services, and I learned just how great a magnitude of cases they dealt with on a daily basis and how many families are affected by this widespread dysfunction in families.

Upon, the completion of my research, fact-gathering, and work with the Department of Child Support Services, it became very clear to me that we had to do something. Something had to change. But what? I continued being in prayer, and seeking the wisdom of God.

During this time period, we decided to visit Maine and through divine guidance, made some very good friends who were and are instrumental today in helping us carry out our vision. So we decided to look for properties that could be the used for the mission. That is when we were informed about a large parcel of property that became available for sale. I promptly followed this lead and prayerfully made an offer, which was accepted. This was the beginning of the next phase of our journey. We put our home in New York up for sale, and it sold very quickly. However, the property owner from Maine changed her mind and we were left to continue our search. But we rested in knowing that all things are in God’s timing.

Soon, we became familiar with the term “homeless.” Although we didn’t find a house to rent for the long term, we did find a small cottage at the last hour and with God’s grace alone, we made it through the next phase.

After another six months had passed and with His blessings, we were finally able to find the land and home we now call Home LAEL. This property is well-preserved, with two hundred and fifty seven acres of land, along with several outbuildings, also including approximately thirty acres of fields, and the rest being wooded with seven plus miles of trails.

Without a shadow of doubt, we know this property is truly a gift from God and it is our desire to make use of every square inch to bring glory to Him.

With that desire, on May 25th of 2019, this property was dedicated to Home LAEL. LAEL is a Hebrew name meaning “Belonging to God.”

The purpose of Home LAEL:

Our goal is for at-risk children to have a safe environment, where they can grow in their knowledge of the Lord, while still just being children and where they can receive love and nurturing from people who are truly committed to serving the Lord, while teaching every day curriculum and ensuring that protection.

Many of us, unfortunately, are aware of at least one family, where the living conditions are not conducive for that child. The overwhelming need for safe environments is far greater than anyone can comprehend based on the current data published by the Administration for Children and Families.

The framework that LAEL offers is to model a home, where house parents will be in charge of up to seven children. They will be responsible for teaching, guiding, and nurturing these children in becoming a part of that family. These trained individuals will consist of counselors and teachers who are there to mentor them in their spiritual, emotional and scholastic needs.

What is the status? Here is the list of activities/projects in their various stages.

  1. LAEL Inc. is registered as a not-for-profit organization in the state of Maine to provide education for children at risk.
  2. Received federal income tax-exempt status under 501(c)(3).
  3. On January 9, 2021, we broke ground and started clearing trails for timber harvesting.
  4. Over twenty-two hundred feet of trail clearing has been completed.
  5. August 2021, completed the gravel roads to the first children’s home.
  6. Foundation work for the children’s home is scheduled for April 2022.
  7. Timber harvesting and field clearing are in progress.


We welcome you to visit us at Home LAEL. If you would like a tour or to participate in any of the ongoing projects, please contact us. We will be happy to show you around the grounds and answer any questions you may have. If your Church, community group, youth group or mission teams would like to know more and get involved in the mission, we are pleased to visit you and invite you to contact us so we can schedule a meeting.

Our Goal: Complete the construction of the first home by December 2022. Please join us in prayer to attain that goal.

Contact Us: Home LAEL [ LAEL – “belonging to GOD” ]

71 Goshen Rd. • Winterport, ME • 04496
Phone: 207-223-5236 (office)
631-307-2214 (cell) • [email protected]