Winter 2024 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

When HE saw the crowds, HE had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then HE said to HIS disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few therefor pray earnestly to the LORD of the harvest to send out laborers into HIS harvest.  Matthew 9:36-37

As you may or may not know, there are over 4 million 276 thousand children reported to the Child Protective Services nationwide in the recent years.

Over forty-nine percentage of those children that is over 2 million ninety-five thousand are in need of a safe, loving and caring home. In the past year 1990 children died due to abuse and neglect.

Is there any hope for these children? Yes, there is, through Jesus Christ our LORD.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverb 22:6

I’m very grateful for the opportunity to share with you what the Lord has done this year at Home LAEL. As the saying goes, many hands make light work, we proved it, with the help of friends and family we were able to clear land, build roads, and prepared the building site for the Children’s home & school.

The first children’s home:

The design of the whole campus is to provide children the opportunity to excel in life. The best way to learn skills is by doing it.  We have seen it working very well in other children’s home and in our own children’s life, so we adopted that philosophy of education by incorporating a wide variety of skills developing programs to engage students in their learning and mentoring them to be productive citizens.

Here are some of the programs in its infancy:

Baking School On Campus: We conduct weekly baking classes for children and adults throughout the year. These are hands-on sessions, taking products from start to finish.

Green house project: A controlled environment for experimenting & learning to produce a wide variety of vegetables inside the green house and in the open fields. Also gives us a great opportunity to utilize the fruit of the labor into creating delicious meals to share with others.

Field preparation and planting wheat:

In collaboration with University of Maine we are exploring the opportunity to grow wheat in one of our fields. It is our hope that this test will be successful, and we’ll be able to produce enough grain to support the baking needs of the school and also for our  community.

It is our earnest prayer, that the initial structures will be complete and start the school in 2025.  Would you please pray with us that our Lord will grant the needed resources and bring this project to fruition?

We like to invite you to join us in reaching these children in need of hope, by bring them to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If the Lord is leading you to learn more about Home LAEL, please reach out to us, and well happy to provide you the information.  Here are some way to contact us, via our website, or through email ([email protected]) or you can call us at (631) 307-2214.

If you like to participate in the immediate area of need, this is the link to Corner Stone Project

Here is some additional information – a short video

Pictures of site preparation – Home LAEL site work

May the Lord richly bless you and your family,


Aju Varghese


For Home LAEL